SynthForSale established in 2024
Hello. Thanks for landing on the website and this page, which will give you a little background into the website and the journey.
I have been delivering guitar effect pedals all over the world for the last 20 years and have seen the music retail industry change especially in the UK. Now I am doing it differently bringing together different retailers and marketplaces that serve up delicious synths from different brands and different retailers from all over the world. Mostly UK and Eu offering you the musician all the options together in one place.
You can browse and order online today with and your purchase will be with you in a jiffy, but most likely in a box.

SynthForSale was founded by David Grant, Manchester’s most unconventional entrepreneur. Grant, the mastermind behind innovations like the UltraDisk voice recorders, Veloset GPS bicycle computer, and the JOYO UK brand of guitar effects, navigated the tumultuous waters of e-commerce from 1999 to 2022 AD. His strategy involved creating affordable electronics by replicating high-quality products at lower costs through collaborations with engineers in China.
For a time, Grant reigned supreme, but the convergence of COVID-19, Brexit, and his own missteps led to a downturn. Was he ousted by external forces, deceived by unscrupulous competitors, or did he succumb to the chaos of political decisions beyond his control?
Following a period of introspection and therapy, Grant resurfaces, determined to reclaim his passion. Despite losing his fortune and grappling with personal turmoil, he mounts his metaphorical bicycle, refusing to relinquish his drive and expertise in online commerce.
With scant resources and a hazy roadmap, Grant returns to his roots, pedalling synths on his new marketplace, SynthForSale. Once dubbed a mere “peddler” of his wares by some ancient magazine (it was actually made of paper! can you imagine that?) anyway he embraces the role anew, offering a platform where pedals can be sold, bought, or disregarded entirely.
His mantra: indifference to the whims of others and a reminder that when the fun ceases, it’s best to dismount and depart.
He just loves synths too, especially 80s ones.
Contact Dave @ SynthforSale